1st Day O' School!!!
Well, it happened. I saw it comin' since the beginning of summer. I went to school today.
It wasn't bad for the first day of school my second year of highschool. Let's reminesce...
It was six-fifteen A.M. when I woke up. I hadn't set my alarm, so I was lucky I didn't oversleep. I got out of bed, almost looking forward to the rest of the day in school. Meeting my teachers, seeing old friends, being able to share what my friend Josh and I learned this summer. I took the rubber bands from my braces, and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I came out to the smell of pancakes. Yes, my dad's delicious pancakes. They normally included cinnamon and bananas, but that day I couldn't taste them. By the time I finished, Josh was at my house ready to carpool with us. We talked about how we were pretty much the only two who were'nt panicking about the arrival of the education train. My friend Justin showed up later with a binder full of paper, and a brown bag that contained his lunch. Ah, the upperclassman brown-bagging his lunch. I didn't think much of it then, but now it's kinda funny.
All ready, we loaded into the car with my sister behind the wheel, all liscensed and prepared to drive us away from home. Justin didn't seem too worried either, but Jessica was about as close to looking forward to it as she was to acknowledging me in the hallways.
We drove up to the parking lot after taking unneccesarry turns to enter the main gate to it. Jessica parked pretty well, and we unloaded from the car. Josh said something about beating up freshman. After that, I pointed to a stout, dark-haired kid getting out of his car and said, "Like that kid!" As I smiled. It was our friend Drew, who we hadn't bothered to contact all summer, so this was the first time since the last school year we had seen him. We walked together towards the school which had an appearance slightly resembling a prison. I had once believed it was a prison, but the survey said it was worse, a survey I actually disagreed with.
When we approached the iron bar fences, Justin and Drew went separately to check and see what their first calss was, (an objective Josh and I completed the night before.) We hardly had time to meet together before the first bell rang. A sound which I had pretty much gotten used to since last year. Everyone moaned as they lolligagged on the way to their class.
My first class of the day: Journalism 1 with Mr. Diroberto. I had this teacher for half the year last year. He was tall, and had a long, thin nose that was rounded at the peak. He talked with a nasally voice, and assured me that I didn't get some left or right-winged biased Jounalism teacher like the kind my sister had when she took the course. He had remembered me as well, which made me feel better, being reminded that some people actually take time to remember me. He handed us our schedules for the rest of the day, and talked about his requirements for the course this year. He handed us papers for us to sign until the bell for the next class rang.
Second period, French 2 with Ms. Phillips. I had her for French 1 the year before. A lady with an optomistic dispostion, and good skills at teaching foriegn languages. And yet, another teacher
that remembered me.
Justin was already sitting in the classroom. Yes! Someone besides the teacher that I knew in one of my classes. Alright! Later, a comrade form the lacrosse team walked in. Anthony. We talked until the tardy bell rang.
Ms. Phillips began to talk about assigned seats. I knew I wouldn't be sitting next to Justin or Anthony. Just a feeling, and it was true. I didn't. Oh well.
She followed the same procedures that Diroberto discussed, and later, asked us questions in French to see how much we remembered form last year. Not much for most of the class. Many students babbled strange-sounding words, and had a few English words mixed in. I participated the best I could (mostly by avoiding eye-contact so she wouldn't ask me questions) and did pretty well. I took out my schedule, and looked for my next class. Crud... Geometry.
Coach Jackson: a tall, dark-skinned man without hair on his shiny head. It was so well polished, it reflected the light form the ceiling. He started out kindof funny, but then became very stern.
"If you are late, there are NO excuses." He said that before three kids showed up late. He accepted no excuses, and sent them to the office. I don't want to get in touble with this man.
"I will accept late work, only a day after it is due! If you talk at all, and aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing, I will throw the consequenses in your face, and embarrass you in front of the class. If you give me any trouble, I will not hesitate to kick you out of the class, and send you to Remedial Geometry! You do things my way. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!"
After the bell rang, I looked at my schedule, and tried my best not to look like I was leaving in a hurry.
Period four: World History Honors. I won't bore you any more than I already have. I met an old friend there, Adam.
At lunch, I managed to find my friends Anthony and Dylan to eat with. I didn't talk to them much. I saw a girl that looked pretty lonely. It turned out that all her friends had a different luch. I tried my best to give her company, but she wasn't much for conversation, so I let her be. None of the lunchers that hour heard the bell ring, so we were told to move to our next class.
Biology 1 Honors with Ms. Colbert... never mind.
Pre AP English II with Ms. Stowe. I had Drew in that class, and he ended up being seated next to me. Woohoo!! Someone I know in my class. Good. We had a summer reading assignment for that class. Drew didn't do it, and he only had a few days to complete the book which he had to borrow from the teacher at the end of class... good luck Drew!
Period seven, last class of the day. Wold Culture and Geography. There I realized... I have two social studies classes, the one I was in... was a freshman class. He babbled for the whole class about things that hardly applied to the class, and I lost interest more and more. I put my head down, and closed my eyes, but tried not to fall asleep. I went to talk to him about switching out at the end of the class. He accepted it. I just needed to talk to my guidance counselor.
The end of school. I met up with Josh and Justin at the lockers, and we walked home telling eachother the good and the bad.
So, it wasn't so bad, in fact, I kidof liked it. School, prison. I'm glad I could actually draw the line between them. Took the good and the bad today. That's life, and all that comes with it.
It wasn't bad for the first day of school my second year of highschool. Let's reminesce...
It was six-fifteen A.M. when I woke up. I hadn't set my alarm, so I was lucky I didn't oversleep. I got out of bed, almost looking forward to the rest of the day in school. Meeting my teachers, seeing old friends, being able to share what my friend Josh and I learned this summer. I took the rubber bands from my braces, and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I came out to the smell of pancakes. Yes, my dad's delicious pancakes. They normally included cinnamon and bananas, but that day I couldn't taste them. By the time I finished, Josh was at my house ready to carpool with us. We talked about how we were pretty much the only two who were'nt panicking about the arrival of the education train. My friend Justin showed up later with a binder full of paper, and a brown bag that contained his lunch. Ah, the upperclassman brown-bagging his lunch. I didn't think much of it then, but now it's kinda funny.
All ready, we loaded into the car with my sister behind the wheel, all liscensed and prepared to drive us away from home. Justin didn't seem too worried either, but Jessica was about as close to looking forward to it as she was to acknowledging me in the hallways.
We drove up to the parking lot after taking unneccesarry turns to enter the main gate to it. Jessica parked pretty well, and we unloaded from the car. Josh said something about beating up freshman. After that, I pointed to a stout, dark-haired kid getting out of his car and said, "Like that kid!" As I smiled. It was our friend Drew, who we hadn't bothered to contact all summer, so this was the first time since the last school year we had seen him. We walked together towards the school which had an appearance slightly resembling a prison. I had once believed it was a prison, but the survey said it was worse, a survey I actually disagreed with.
When we approached the iron bar fences, Justin and Drew went separately to check and see what their first calss was, (an objective Josh and I completed the night before.) We hardly had time to meet together before the first bell rang. A sound which I had pretty much gotten used to since last year. Everyone moaned as they lolligagged on the way to their class.
My first class of the day: Journalism 1 with Mr. Diroberto. I had this teacher for half the year last year. He was tall, and had a long, thin nose that was rounded at the peak. He talked with a nasally voice, and assured me that I didn't get some left or right-winged biased Jounalism teacher like the kind my sister had when she took the course. He had remembered me as well, which made me feel better, being reminded that some people actually take time to remember me. He handed us our schedules for the rest of the day, and talked about his requirements for the course this year. He handed us papers for us to sign until the bell for the next class rang.
Second period, French 2 with Ms. Phillips. I had her for French 1 the year before. A lady with an optomistic dispostion, and good skills at teaching foriegn languages. And yet, another teacher
that remembered me.
Justin was already sitting in the classroom. Yes! Someone besides the teacher that I knew in one of my classes. Alright! Later, a comrade form the lacrosse team walked in. Anthony. We talked until the tardy bell rang.
Ms. Phillips began to talk about assigned seats. I knew I wouldn't be sitting next to Justin or Anthony. Just a feeling, and it was true. I didn't. Oh well.
She followed the same procedures that Diroberto discussed, and later, asked us questions in French to see how much we remembered form last year. Not much for most of the class. Many students babbled strange-sounding words, and had a few English words mixed in. I participated the best I could (mostly by avoiding eye-contact so she wouldn't ask me questions) and did pretty well. I took out my schedule, and looked for my next class. Crud... Geometry.
Coach Jackson: a tall, dark-skinned man without hair on his shiny head. It was so well polished, it reflected the light form the ceiling. He started out kindof funny, but then became very stern.
"If you are late, there are NO excuses." He said that before three kids showed up late. He accepted no excuses, and sent them to the office. I don't want to get in touble with this man.
"I will accept late work, only a day after it is due! If you talk at all, and aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing, I will throw the consequenses in your face, and embarrass you in front of the class. If you give me any trouble, I will not hesitate to kick you out of the class, and send you to Remedial Geometry! You do things my way. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!"
After the bell rang, I looked at my schedule, and tried my best not to look like I was leaving in a hurry.
Period four: World History Honors. I won't bore you any more than I already have. I met an old friend there, Adam.
At lunch, I managed to find my friends Anthony and Dylan to eat with. I didn't talk to them much. I saw a girl that looked pretty lonely. It turned out that all her friends had a different luch. I tried my best to give her company, but she wasn't much for conversation, so I let her be. None of the lunchers that hour heard the bell ring, so we were told to move to our next class.
Biology 1 Honors with Ms. Colbert... never mind.
Pre AP English II with Ms. Stowe. I had Drew in that class, and he ended up being seated next to me. Woohoo!! Someone I know in my class. Good. We had a summer reading assignment for that class. Drew didn't do it, and he only had a few days to complete the book which he had to borrow from the teacher at the end of class... good luck Drew!
Period seven, last class of the day. Wold Culture and Geography. There I realized... I have two social studies classes, the one I was in... was a freshman class. He babbled for the whole class about things that hardly applied to the class, and I lost interest more and more. I put my head down, and closed my eyes, but tried not to fall asleep. I went to talk to him about switching out at the end of the class. He accepted it. I just needed to talk to my guidance counselor.
The end of school. I met up with Josh and Justin at the lockers, and we walked home telling eachother the good and the bad.
So, it wasn't so bad, in fact, I kidof liked it. School, prison. I'm glad I could actually draw the line between them. Took the good and the bad today. That's life, and all that comes with it.
Labels: The education train
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