Thursday, January 10, 2008

I just thought I'd like to ask...

What does the word "free" mean to most people. Do you think that the "free" our forefathers died for is the same "free" that Jesus says we are? How many definitions of "free" are there? I'm pretty sure that there's only one in the dictionary, but I've had a few Christians tell me that I wasn't really that free. So, I don't get it. Is it possible to be half free? Does that make any sense? Here, this is what it looks like to me...

married woman: "Mom, good news, I'm pregnant!"

mother: "really? you're having a baby?"

married woman: "well, no, mom... Geeze, I'm not that pregnant."

Well, I've had conversations like that about freedom. "Oh, we're not that free." Well, I'd like to know how that's even possible. It seems nonsensical, illogical, and pretty unbiblical.
It's wrong. I believe that I am completely free in Christ, and if you think I'm going somewhere I shouldn't with this, well, too bad, I'm going there. You know, I am totally free to mess up even if I am saved. God will love me no less. I am completely free to sin, sin, sin, and God will love me no less. Do I want to? No, not particularly, but if God is truly as strong as we say He is, then He can hold on to us even if we sin. And Jesus' blood really makes that possible when He says we are free, He really means it. We can still choose, but seeing as if we're saved, we know that we are new creatures, and most likely, we have experienced God's UNCONDITIONAL love for us, which means, with God having given His new creatures the ability to understand and reflect that love, then we should want to reflect it because we enjoy it so much that we want other people to see it, and you know what's capital in God's love for us? He made us free. Completely and totally free of any bondage of anything of any control by anything or anyone. Free free free free free free free!!!! F-R- double E FREEEEE!!!!!
So, you know what that means? We're free to be His, and free to make mistakes and still be loved. We're free to love, free to dance, sing, laugh, and even sin. We're free in all things. And, even though we're free to sin, we are no longer bound to sin, but rather we are bound to a victory in Christ. This is the freedom He has given us. That's all freedom has ever meant. Our rights to choose as human beings do is what we have fought for, and what Jesus has already won.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so cool that God gives us so much freedom that he will let us make our own choices, even about following him. He didn't have to do that, he didn't have to send his son down to die, but he loves us so much that he did! -Reeses

January 10, 2008 at 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and that example you gave is right on! :) -Reeses

January 10, 2008 at 2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, I love the fact that Freedom is in Christ. There is no freedom in sin, so this folds so perfectly into the Kingdom truth that we are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Serving the King, in the now and the later. This also folds very well into Paul's statement that all things are lawful (God's love is unshakable) but not all things are profitable. Continue in your freedom or again to quote Paul "take hold of the freedom for which Christ made us free". Enjoy the freedom. Experiment in Christ with fear and awe of who He is. In Christ, you are that free. Celebrate it every day in spite of what the world or even other believers say against it.

January 11, 2008 at 8:42 PM  

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