Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Phrases for life.

I'm sure that the ears accompanying the eyes of my dear readers have probably heard the phrase "wow, that smarts" and never known why the user of that phrase decided to utilize the word "smart" instead of "hurt." Well, after some deliberate thinking, and some personal experiences, I found out why.
Imagine some cheery farmer slicing his own skin while sharpenning a blade. He then withdraws his hand in pain, and considers the mistake(s) he has made. He then learns the best way to do it next time, and says "that smarts." You see, this man, instead of cursing and screaming in pain, takes a step back, and decides to use his pain as an opportunity to learn. This, readers, is what will work every time you experience pain. In order to get the fullest experience, you need to learn from it. I think that's how God intended for us to use pain. That's how I'm learning to handle pain.
So, there's a history in a well-known phrase, and something I hope you've learned from this remarkably small post. Pain is good... it just doesn't feel that way at first.



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