"Grow up"
It seems like just yesterday everything was so simple. I was fifteen, with plenty of years ahead of me to do what I want and relax and be free.
Those days flew by.
At age eighteen, so much hit me so fast. I NEED to hold a job, I've got to pay for certain things, I'm doing all this college stuff, and I'm getting ready to go out on my own. And it's not easy. In the back of my head, there is a calling to go back to the way things were and to just relax like I was fifteen again. Three years makes a big difference though. I just can't go back to how it was. Things are different, I'm different, and I'm taking on more and more responsibilities.
I think that's fine. It's a part of growing up. In this world, there are things I need to do, things I need to take care of, a life I have to live.
Doing things is a part of expressing your love. Even the mundane things, even working for money that you're just going to give away to someone else for something else that eventually comes back to you. When you do these things, you express your love for life, your intentions to strive for what you want and what you need. Love is an action, and the only true way to express it is to DO what it takes. Work hard, play hard. Be there for people. Don't just talk to them, don't just say things, and don't just pray for them. God calls us to action.
Laugh with them.
Cry with them.
Share a meal with them, in remembrance of Jesus.
These are actions that we need to take.
Growing up, I realize that it's the mundane things that enable us to do just that to the best of our ability. It keeps us stable so that we can help other people. We work so we can afford food so we can eat with people. We work so that we can get gas in our cars to get to our friends in need as quickly as humanly possible. When one acknowledges these responsibilities, it's a sign that he is growing up.
And I'm being called to grow up, and I will fulfil that to the best of my abilities.
Everyone is growing up. Every second is a learning experience. So if you're being called to change, to grow up, don't hesitate. It's part of your call to love. I'll do my best not to hesitate, and I'll grow up as I need.
In all of this, don't forget, grown-ups must remain child-like and remember that anything is possible. Grown-ups don't forget their childhood, they never should. That's where the dreams are, dreams that are worth chasing and worth working for.
Yay for growing up!
It's not easy, but it's a part of life... and it can be fun. Just don't fight it too hard.
Those days flew by.
At age eighteen, so much hit me so fast. I NEED to hold a job, I've got to pay for certain things, I'm doing all this college stuff, and I'm getting ready to go out on my own. And it's not easy. In the back of my head, there is a calling to go back to the way things were and to just relax like I was fifteen again. Three years makes a big difference though. I just can't go back to how it was. Things are different, I'm different, and I'm taking on more and more responsibilities.
I think that's fine. It's a part of growing up. In this world, there are things I need to do, things I need to take care of, a life I have to live.
Doing things is a part of expressing your love. Even the mundane things, even working for money that you're just going to give away to someone else for something else that eventually comes back to you. When you do these things, you express your love for life, your intentions to strive for what you want and what you need. Love is an action, and the only true way to express it is to DO what it takes. Work hard, play hard. Be there for people. Don't just talk to them, don't just say things, and don't just pray for them. God calls us to action.
Laugh with them.
Cry with them.
Share a meal with them, in remembrance of Jesus.
These are actions that we need to take.
Growing up, I realize that it's the mundane things that enable us to do just that to the best of our ability. It keeps us stable so that we can help other people. We work so we can afford food so we can eat with people. We work so that we can get gas in our cars to get to our friends in need as quickly as humanly possible. When one acknowledges these responsibilities, it's a sign that he is growing up.
And I'm being called to grow up, and I will fulfil that to the best of my abilities.
Everyone is growing up. Every second is a learning experience. So if you're being called to change, to grow up, don't hesitate. It's part of your call to love. I'll do my best not to hesitate, and I'll grow up as I need.
In all of this, don't forget, grown-ups must remain child-like and remember that anything is possible. Grown-ups don't forget their childhood, they never should. That's where the dreams are, dreams that are worth chasing and worth working for.
Yay for growing up!
It's not easy, but it's a part of life... and it can be fun. Just don't fight it too hard.