Thursday, November 8, 2007

God IS Love.

I've been considering, and I have yet to bring scripture to my eyes that supports my ideas, but here they are, scripture-less.

I believe that when we're told that God is love that we're supposed to take it literally. That's what God is. When we feel love for our fellow man in the name of Jesus, we feel God Himself in that time. It's not that he just zaps us with love, but rather His Spirit, which is love, stirs ecstatically in our own spirit when we love one another. It is His overwhelming presence, of that love that is Jesus, that moves us to love in the first place. When we do what that call to love asks us, it's the ultimate gift that we could give to our Savior. God is love. Period. It's not just a metaphor. It's a complete truth. I believe that there is much more to God than love, but love is all we've seen of Him on earth. It's all He chooses to show us. It's all the glory that we can handle from Him in our state right now is love. It is Him, though. The presence of God is the presence of love, and vice versa. So "love"... Love. Capitol L. God, Love. All we've seen on earth is a result of His Love. It's a result of Him... duh! There is no form of good here on earth that is not a result of Love. Name one good thing that isn't a result of Love. If it's all resulted of love and it's all a result of God, it means that it is one in the same. It's making more and more sense as I live Love. I live God. I live as Jesus said. I try at least. It's love through Jesus that saves us. Love in Jesus' name, Love because of Jesus, Love is Jesus. I'm learning that that's what it means to be a man after God's own heart. We live as Him, as He is Love.
Peace Out! Love ya!

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home schooling! :)

Yeah, so I'm doing that. My mom is teaching me and my friend Josh. I've looked at all the pro's and con's and it's definitely worth it!
The cool part is, I have 7 school days left until I just don't show up at school. After, we don't start classes until after December! It's gonna be great!
My opinion (if anyone cares), public education has so many cons that if someone has the opportunity to home school you, take advantage of that, and learn at home. You can research things for yourself, you can learn at your own pace, mull over things again and again until you finally understand a concept, you can really learn. I can't seem to do that in public schools. If people can learn in public school, if their mind works that way, awesome. Stay in public school. However, if your mind doesn't work in that way, and you have the opportunity for home schooling, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it!
It's good for you... :)
I'll get more sleep too.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sarcasm :P

Yeah, I'm one of those people who freaks out when they meet some celebrity. You know, I just really think that famous people are so much better and more important than I am, and I truly believe that if I totally wig out in their awesome, graceful, beaming, glorious presence, they'll think so highly of me, yes, just me, and I'll be their #1 screaming, crazy fan, just like everyone else is their #1 screaming, crazy fan! I truly believe that if I yell louder than the #1 fan next to me that I would definitely be recognized by that o-so-famous guy or gal we choose to scream for, and we could, you know, hang out after their show and stuff. That would be sooooo cool! You know, 'cause that person thinks I'm different and cooler than the rest of the people doing the exact same thing as me when he/she is around. So, that's why when I meet the bands of WAY FEST backstage with Brant Hansen, I'll run right past the bands, and coolly and all suave-like beg for Brant to sign my toast.

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